Institute for Practice Development
Since its inception, M & M’s Institute for Practice Development has established itself as the leading platform to help hundreds of the country’s preeminent leading Chiropractic practices to effectively deal with their most complex business challenges so they can achieve great things. The Institute brings the best of M & M’s thought leadership and innovative solutions exclusively to its members through a robust and proactive practice management platform. Members avail themselves of M & M’s professional expertise and administrative efficiencies to effectively leverage critical knowledge to the most trusted firm in the country to manage, respond, and even anticipate the needs of entrepreneurial Chiropractic professionals.
Membership is the embodiment of our service culture. But the success of our program can be traced to the investment we make after each time a member joins us and the initial Personal Injury 105 program is completed. This means immersing ourselves in their business and spending the time it takes to really get to know what’s important to them. Behind the scenes, we’re collecting data points so that we not only can get a deep understanding of their business but where we can also take the wheel and drive. We know that it’s a different approach, but the dividends come later as we are able to not only manage, but anticipate the needs of each one of our members.
Proactive Communications. Through an ongoing stream of customized communications, we connect with our members constantly about important issues that are pertinent to their practice and couple those interactions with innovative solutions developed by M&M. Our goal is to furnish context and design solutions that take the resolution of that issue as far as predictable, short of us arriving on-site.
To ensure that our proactive communications are sticking, we check-in each quarter with our members’ team. During that check-in we test the comprehension of our prior communications, discuss those issues that out members hadn’t called us about, and backup to reflect on the bigger picture on where we have been, and where we are headed. Some of our members simply rely upon our proactive guidance but others want to see beyond. And for them, we keep them “ahead of the curve” with developing and ongoing challenges in business. This information stream allows our members to see in on how these issues evolve and begin to anticipate potential effects on their business.
We know our members pay attention to what we have to say. So, we furnish opinions, ideas, and commentary, on a wide range of issues effecting our members including, but not limited to technology, business practices, practice management, and efficiency. And since so many of the ideas are shaped by our members, it drives our conversations.
Responsive and Collaborative Consulting. Of course we cannot anticipate all of the issues that may arise with our members’ practice. That’s where they insist they bring us in. We counsel on issues triggered by our members on not only practice development, but risk management, growth, and best practices. Our members also may rely upon us to collaborate with third parties and other industry professionals. We are constantly working hard to bridge the distance between us. Members communicate with us by email, phone, and fax. We pride ourselves on transparency, and have a workflow process that supports the time tracking, and levels of support provided to our members. This ensures that our members get the attention they deserve.